Business Health CheckMany businesses can appear perfectly healthy, even when basic business practices may be working against the main goals of the company.
Whether your business needs improved organization and practices, or if you think things are functioning normally but just want to be sure, it’s important to evaluate your business with a Business Health Check.
Just as your body needs regular maintenance (and possibly repair), so does your business. Give your business a checkup and gain some invaluable insight into how it currently ranks in terms of time, team and money.
You’ll then receive a FREE report based on your answers, prepared by our team of highly skilled ActionCOACH Business Coaches.
Since this detailed report bases results on your company’s business model with regards to your business’ four core areas, the results indicate exactly which areas could use improvement.
After you look at your results, we urge you to contact us directly in order to find out how we can help improve and maintain the health of your company through our business coaching services.
Time: How do you manage your time?1.) Is there enough time in your day to get your job done?Yes. My days are well planned and I complete everything I set out to do each day.
Most of the time. Occasionally there are things that don't get completed.
Some of the time. There are many times when things don't get completed.
Rarely. I struggle to keep up with my workload.
Never. I feel completely overwhelmed with my workload.
2.) How many hours on average would you say you work per week?Less than 15 hours per week.
Between 16 and 30 hours per week.
Between 31 and 40 hours per week.
Between 41 and 50 hours per week.
Far too many!
3.) How do you currently manage your workload?My days are largely disorganized and unscheduled with many interruptions.
I tackle each task as it comes to hand.
I have an assistant to handle details ensuring I have time to focus on the bigger picture
I plan ahead but am flexible enough to allow for unexpected challenges
I prioritize my tasks by level of urgency and/or importance
4.) Are you able to spend quality time with the people you care about?I always set aside time in the week to spend quality time with my family and friends.
I spend time on weekends with my family and friends.
Only if it is a special occasion will I make time to see my family and friends.
I can't seem to find the time to see my family and friends; my business is my number one priority.
I am so exhausted after work; I don't want to spend time socializing and make excuses not to spend time with family and friends.
5.) Do you use time in meetings to your advantage?Most of my meetings seem to go in circles and achieve nothing.
It is difficult to plan meetings around my current workload.
Meetings are arranged on an as needed basis with no set agenda.
Meetings are scheduled in advance - spur of the moment encounters are avoided.
Every meeting accomplishes some specific objective or outcome.
6.) What time do you take out of the day for yourself?I take time out to exercise regularly.
I put aside time to enjoy my personal interests and hobbies.
I schedule time for my breaks.
I try to leave work behind me at a certain time each day.
I don't have time to relax.
Team: Do your team work with you or against you?1.) How do your employees pull together as a team?My employees do not work together as a team.
There are some personality clashes which affect the productivity of the team.
The team works effectively together most of the time.
The team always remains positive and does not tolerate negativism among its members.
There is synergy among all members of the team.
2.) Do your team members identify with your business?Most of my team show no interest in the business and are only here to earn an income.
Some of my team knows and understands our unique selling proposition.
The majority of my team knows and understands our unique selling proposition.
Every member of my team is a walking/talking advertisement for the company.
3.) What level of communication occurs within your team?All of the team communicate effectively with each other.
Most of the team communicate effectively with each other.
Occasionally the team will experience communication breakdown.
There are severe communication challenges within the team.
My employees work independently and do not communicate with each other.
4.) What level of understanding do your team members have about their role?Each team member has a detailed written position description and undergoes regular performance reviews.
Each team member has a position description; however these are not reviewed or updated.
Team members are verbally briefed on their duties on the day of commencement.
Team members are expected to hit the ground running with little or no instruction.
No one understands their role and how they impact on the business.
5.) Do you consult your team members for suggestions for improvements?I would never consider an idea put forth by a team member.
Team members are encouraged to submit suggestions but I would only introduce an idea if I believed in it.
I will always trial an idea even if I don't believe it will work.
Team members are encouraged to submit suggestions which are rarely implemented.
I regularly introduce into the business new ideas of improvement that a team member has suggested.
6.) Do you let your team members know when you are proud of their work?Yes - I make a conscious effort to tell them.
Yes - but I only make the effort when I feel like it.
I tell everyone else in the team but that person.
No - I don't encourage my team.
No - I am not proud of any of my team's work.
Money: Is your financial performance at its peak?1.) Does your company stick to a clearly defined budget?Yes. The budget is always adhered to.
Most of the time. There are some occasions where the budget is exceeded.
Some of the time. The budget is considered more of a guide.
Rarely. The budget is generally not followed.
No. We don't use a budget.
2.) What financial importance would you place on getting new business in the next 12 months?I don't need any new customers.
Not important.
Important but not critical.
Critical to the survival of my business.
3.) How often do you complete your financial statements?Weekly.
Six monthly.
4.) How has your profit margin performed this past financial year?Increased.
Remained Constant.
Not sure.
5.) What is your cashflow outlook for the next 12 months?A positive cashflow result is forecast.
A negative cashflow result is forecast.
I never have enough cash to pay my bills.
I don't monitor my cashflow.
6.) How does your company set it's prices?Add x% markup to the cost price.
Undercut the competition.
Estimate market value.
Charge what the market will bear.
I'm not involved with price setting.
Systems: Do you have the systems in place to efficiently run your business?1.) Does your company stick to a clearly defined business plan?Yes. We follow clearly defined goals and review our business plan every 90 days.
Yes. We have a business plan in place which is followed most of the time.
No. The business plan is rarely referred to after it has been set.
Our business plan does not have clearly defined goals with achievable deadlines.
We don't have a formal business plan.
2.) How organized are your company's systems and procedures?The company runs like clockwork as a result of highly efficient systems and procedures.
Some systems and procedures are working but there is still room for improvement.
The systems and procedures are out of date and need updating to become efficient.
There are no systems and procedures in place.
Employees set their own procedures for getting the job done.
3.) Do you have procedures in place to systemize the people and education aspect of your business?I have not formally systemized the people and education aspect of my business.
We have a consistent recruitment method in place for finding new team members.
We run an ongoing training system for all employees.
There is a defined system for recognition and remuneration of team members.
There is a formal system for conflict resolution in place
4.) What delivery and distribution procedures have you implemented for systemizing processes in your business?
I have not formally systemized delivery and distribution in my business.
We forecast customer demand to plan for stock movements.
A complete purchasing and stock receiving system is in place.
We run paperless delivery and distribution systems.
We complete regular stocktakes.
5.) How do you test and measure the performance of your business?We survey our clients regularly to determine how we can better serve them.
Sales processes are managed on a regular basis and measures are taken to ensure quotas are met.
We track our leads; our client conversion rate and the number of transactions per client continuously.
The company is driven by both quality and profit; and both are measured regularly.
I don't test and measure the company's performance.
6.) What technological procedures have you implemented for systemising processes in your business?I have not formally systemized the technological side of my business.
Operations are (for the most part) fully computerized.
We schedule and complete regular maintenance on all equipment.
We use computer invoicing and credit monitoring.
The business has a computer backup system to ensure the integrity of company information.