How Global Leaders Develop
By Steve Terrell President and Founder of Aspire Consulting on 8/23/11 at 11:00 am EST
1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certifications
Global organizations face complexity in the dynamics of multiplicity, interdependence, ambiguity, and flux. These forces are driving an increased need for global leaders who possess new competencies that enable them to respond and lead effectively. Many global organizations are finding that their supply of global leaders, or even individuals with the potential to become global leaders, does not match the demand. In this webinar, Steve Terrell will present the results of his research into the developmental experiences global leaders identified as being important in their development as global leaders, as well as what and how they learned from the experiences. Conclusions from this study indicate that global leaders (a) develop through first-hand, cross-cultural and global leadership experience; (b) learn the importance and value of cultural sensitivity, relationships and networks, and curiosity or desire to learn as a result of their developmental experiences; (c) require a unique set of global leadership competencies to effectively fulfill their roles; (d) are driven by curiosity, openness, and a desire to learn; and (e) develop and learn intuitively, dynamically employing ad hoc learning approaches. Implications of these significant findings for global leadership development practitioners in all industries will be discussed
What You Will Learn
• You will discover the types of experiences global leaders found to be important in their development, and what made those experiences developmental for them
• You will find out what global leaders said they earned as a result of their developmental experiences
• Examine some of the traits and characteristics that seem to enable global leaders to grow and develop through their experiences
Who Should Participate: The information covered in this webinar will be of interest and value to individuals who are practitioners in global leadership development; global leader assessment, recruiting, and selection; and those who are interested in global leadership as a field of research and/or practice.
Creating Powerful Leadership Connections in the Smallest of Moments
By Mette Norgaard Co-author of TouchPoints: Creating Powerful Leadership Connections in the Smallest of Moments on 8/30/11 at 11:00 am EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certifications)
Leaders must hit their marks. But this is especially hard in today’s “interruption age” – where the pace is fast, the meetings back to back, and the information flow never-ending. How can you achieve your goals – much less lead others effectively – in this landscape? By adopting a new set of achievable practices that allow you to bring more clarity, energy, and influence to every interaction. Most leaders feel the inevitable interruptions in their jam-packed days are troublesome. But in TouchPoints, Conant and Norgaard argue that these – and every point of contact with other people – are overlooked opportunities for leaders to increase their impact and promote their organization’s strategy and values. Through previously untold stories from Conant’s tenure as CEO of Campbell Soup Company and Norgaard’s vast consulting experience, the authors show that a leader’s impact and legacy are built through hundreds, even thousands, of interactive moments in time. The good news is that anyone can develop “TouchPoint” mastery by focusing on four essential components: head, heart, hands and touch
What You Will Learn
• How the authenticity of a leader is tested during every informal encounter every day
• How to promote a new and intuitive model of rational, active, and wise leadership practices
• Be introduced to four integrated commitments that are foundational to mastering the Touch: the commitment to inquiry, reflection, practice, and continuous improvement
Who Should Participate: Leaders, anyone interested in growth and networking
Top Teaming: A Roadmap for Leadership Teams Navigating the Now, the New, and the Next
By Larry Levin Author of Top Teaming: A Roadmap for Teams Navigating the Now, the New, and the Next on 9/20/11 at 11:00 am EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
These are tough times for top executive teams who are faced with a new series of challenges and paradoxes that require new mindsets and thinking about driving success. Top Teams carry with them tremendous Collective Intelligence in their deep, operating experience, and the ability to exert significant influence over their company’s direction, focus, and performance. They have both the opportunity and obligation to navigate big change and make a significant difference in the future of their organizations. Ultimately, they are responsible for dealing with both the “Now and the New”—the current realities and the evolving future.
While all Top Teams have this responsibility, only some do it well. Even fewer do it well when under tremendous stress and pressure. Becoming a High Performing Team – a goal for most teams is now just the ticket of admission to today’s complex and ambiguous world. In my research and interviews with senior leaders, I have found that there are ten essential groups of practices that differentiate and elevate Top Teams from classic high performing teams and groups of talented individuals. These are the “must-do’s” that make the difference between great teams that drive great results and everybody else.
What You Will Learn:
- How the major challenges faced by Leadership Teams today differ from those in the past
- Learn the power of articulating the Senior Purpose of a team – what it is really FOR
- How to define the kind of team needed
- How to Define and Manage the Critical Intersections
- How to develop good teams
- How to Address and Resolve the Issues that Matter
- How to Focus on the Now and the New
- Driving the Fierce Urgency of “Now”: The Need for Execution Excellence
- How to Build Relational Intelligence (RI) and Collective Intelligence (CI)
- The Process of becoming a purposeful leader
- How to Make High-Performing Teams into Top Teams
- Demonstrating Courage in the Face of Uncertainty: Top Teams in Tough Times
Who Should Participate: Anyone who is in or supports a Leadership Team including C-level, VP, Managers and Directors, Functional Leaders, HR/OD/OE staff, consultants, and those who aspire to serve on leadership teams.
Agents of Change: Developing Effective Transformational Leaders
By Ricardo Bullock Lieutenant Colonel and recipient of the Bronze Star Medal on 9/21/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certifications)
In the business world constant “change” is inevitable and many organizations are finding themselves unprepared to implement the transformation required to address what’s becoming the greatest challenge facing industries worldwide. This element of “change” impacts every aspect of the organization and decisions made by organizational leaders to address this changing environment is more often becoming the factor that ultimately determines the success or failure of an organization. In this webinar, Ricardo will address the challenges of organizational transformation and the many facets of developing effective transformational leaders.
What You Will Learn
-Understand the challenges of implementing Change
-Levels and types of Change experienced in an organization
-The framework for Transformational Leadership
-How to create a culture of change and transformation leadership in your organization
Who Should Participate: - Corporate Executive Leadership
- Organization Development (OD) professionals
- Human Resource (HR) professionals
- Educators in Leadership Development
Leadership in the Next Decade: The Growth Imperative
By Edith Onderick-Harvey consultant, speaker and leadership expert on 9/28/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
The world of work at the dawn of the new decade is one where leaders are functioning in an increasingly complex, diverse and dispersed business environment. It’s an environment marked by economic upheaval, global competition and global collaboration, breakneck technological advances and multiple work option, all of which mean different strategies will be needed to drive performance. However, sixty-percent or fewer executives and senior HR leaders surveyed believe that C-Suite leaders are skilled in most of the key leadership capabilities needed for their organizations to succeed in the next decade.
What You Will Learn
• The key forces impacting and rapidly changing the work environment.
• Five key abilities that leaders need to demonstrate to lead growth in the future
• Areas where leaders may be highly capable that may decrease their organization's abilities to compete in the future
• How to prepare leaders for success in the next decade
Who Should Participate: C-Suite Executives, Mid-Level Managers, Upcoming Leaders, Anyone who is interested and furthering their leadership development.
Winning Culture
By John Spence Named one of the Top 100 Business Thought Leaders in America on 10/12/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
Culture=Cash! During this information-intensive program, John Spence, one of America's top 100 business thought leaders, will explain why culture is one of the driving for creating a highly successful and profitable company. Through specific examples, tools, and techniques, John well clearly described the elements necessary to find, attract and engage highly talented people on your team – who will in turn deliver the quality products and services necessary to build loyal and engaged customers. John will also address the other side of culture, creating an ownership mentality of discipline execution and high levels of both personal and mutual accountability across the organization. This is a program that John has delivered to numerous Fortune 500 companies.
What You Will Learn:
• The latest research on exactly how culture impacts profitability.
• The core elements of a winning culture according to several national and international research projects.
• The elements of a high-performance team within the winning culture.
• How to manage and coach for high-performance.
• The nine steps for creating a culture of disciplined execution.
Who Should Participate: Senior leaders, division managers, regional managers, sales managers, team leaders.
Whole systems transformation: paradigm shifting for dramatic results (part one)
By Roland Sullivan Author and pioneer in enterprise wide transformation and change on 10/18/11 at 11:00 am EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
Whole system transformation: Phase One. Transforming the executive team and the internal change agent:
Recent research from CEOs indicate their intense and urgent interest and leading and sustaining an ongoing change agent organization. Futurist, David Hule, says, “We have left the information age and moving into the “Shift Age”. Everything is in a state of shift. Companies and leaders need to be able to transform their company if they’re going to succeed in the next 10 years.” Whole systems transformation best starts by having each executive and the team as a whole transform themselves before they can initiate or in hand in the listing enterprise wide systemic and systematic change process.
This session will share a researched and proven methodology to transform organizations. Part one will give you an explicit step-by-step process that we believe you can adapt immediately to start the transformation journey. Part two will focus on measurement and engaging the entire system. In sum, the purpose of this presentation is to share the theory and proven best practice around guaranteed transformation of the leadership team as a prelude to their leading a dynamic shift for their entire enterprise.
What You Will Learn
• About the architecture of the whole systems transformational model
• The driving principles of this engaging, powerful, and innovative approach to realizing human talent and economic performance
• You will be exposed to a step-by-step process to transform the leadership team
• How to access additional resources following up on that are not available to the public
Who Should Participate: Directors, VP’s, and SVP’s of HR, Organization Development, Organizational Learning, Leadership Development, Human Resources Development, Change Management
Influencing Difficult People
By Deborah Slobodnik, Master Coach for Leaders and Teams on 11/2/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certifications)
Getting real buy in to new strategies, programs or processes can be a challenge and frustration with some key stakeholders. This webinar provides proven and practical tips to getting real versus espoused buy in order to lower barriers to change. These tips are based on over 25 years experience as an executive coach, consultant and trainer where influence without authority is the main lever for real and sustainable change. It is also based on action research and best practices. This webinar will empower you to face your toughest customers.
What You Will Learn
1. Learn best practices for influencing without authority
2. Practice influencing a “difficult stakeholder"
3. Develop a realistic influence plan
4. How to tell when you are getting espoused verses real buy in
Who Should Participate: Human Resource Professionals, Executives and Managers
Harnessing the Potential of Your High Potential Women for Real Business Impact
By Lynne Morton Author, leadership coach, and recipient of the HR Leadership Award on 11/9/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certifications)
Description: Are you one of those organizations that successfully recruits women, but is significantly less successful at retaining them? If so, you don’t reap the benefits of this key component of the workforce, the positive business results and the organizational culture that women offer. Lynne Morton will show you how to take on this important challenge. You will see what a powerful business impact High Potential women have on business results and on organizational culture. After understanding the importance of the business case, you'll learn specific ways to develop and retain High Potential women. She brings deep knowledge and personal passion, along with examples of creative approaches that have worked. An award-winning coach and consultant, Lynne will take you beyond the research onto a path for real personal and organizational enrichment.
What You Will Learn:
•How to recognize the differences in professional development between men and women
•How to structure learning initiatives that look at aspiration and potential in focused and aligned ways
•How to create a workforce that can take you to a higher level of success
•Steps for retaining a strong female workforce within your organization
Who Should Participate: Leadership or Executive Development, Succession Management, Talent Management, OD and HR professionals, Diversity Professionals, Line and Senior Management Executives, High Potential Women
Mastering the Art of Sales Conversations
By Mike Schultz Co-author of Professional Services Marketing and Rainmaking Conversations, President of Wellesley Hills Group on 11/16/11 at 2:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
Conversations drive everything in sales. First, you have to have them or you can’t sell anything. This means you need to be able to generate them with good prospects for what you sell. Second, you need to lead them with masterful skill and savvy. How to lead sales conversations, influence your prospects to want to buy, buy from you, buy a complete solution, and pay full price for it confounds many sales people selling high priced products and services. But it doesn’t have to. There are key principles that you can follow to lead masterful rainmaking conversations, and join the sales elite.
In this webinar, Mike Schultz, President of RAIN Group and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Rainmaking Conversations, will share with you the keys to mastering sales conversations, and help you become the most successful and influential seller you can be.
What You Will Learn
• How to maximize prospects’ desire to work with you
• The keys to discovering the largest set of prospect needs
• 16 principles of influence in sales
• 4 steps to leading masterful sales conversations
Who Should Participate: Executives, sales professionals, sales & marketing teams, business owners, and anyone who needs to lead sales conversations
Benchmark Research on Global Talent Management and Expatriate Assignments
By Louis Carter CEO, Best Practice Institute on 12/15/11 at 1:00 pm EST (1 HRCI Credit toward your PHR, SPHR, or GPHR Certification)
Become a part of a groundbreaking Study that seeks to identify the strategic outlook of global organizations on expatriate assignments and their role in organization development and global talent management. The study strategy includes literature reviews, personal interviews, categorization, and comparative analysis across companies. Each company being profiled is in the top 20 tier in its particular industry. We will examine both transactional and transformational elements of Global Expatriate Assignments/Talent Management. Secondary research sources indicate a need for clearly defined process and structure for candidate selection, organizational expectations, and performance management for expatriate assignments. To fully understand the scope and impact of the assignment BPI evaluated organizations at three levels; individual, organizational, and societal. The BPI study is the first empirical study that examines expatriate performance management at all three levels of analysis.
Praise for Best Practice Institute
"Enrolling in Best Practice Institute has proven to be extremely beneficial. I have access to live learning sessions covering a wide range of topics and perspectives. Live sessions provide opportunity for one-on-one interaction with accomplished change leaders who are excited to share their knowledge and learn from participants. I have found that BPI's webinars provide a high level of interaction, and you do not have to leave your home or office. The opportunity to have access to the experts brought together by BPI is unique and invaluable. The Institute is one of the best examples of what online communities can achieve. I encourage academics, as well as practitioners, to join the Best Practice Institute community for their own development and growth, as well as to contribute to the development of best practices.
- Elena Papavero, PhD, Best Practice Institute member
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