Just Because There's a Winner, Doesn't Mean There Needs to Be a Loser
There are four ways a sale can end.
Win-Lose. You win and your customer loses. This could be a situation where your solution delivers less than the desired results.
Lose-Lose. Both you and your customer lose. Not a common scenario, but it does happen.
Lose-Win. You lose and your customer wins. A discount given to try to win future business can be a slippery slope if expectations are not managed properly.
Win-Win. The ideal end result of any sale is a win-win because it is the best way to ensure long-term business.
Not to say that you can't manage your way to Win-Win from one of the other options, but it is always the best choice to start with Win-Win as the goal.
Four Goals for Win-Win
When planning for a Win-Win solution, consider these four basic goals.
Don't oversell on expectations. Don't over promise so you're forced to under deliver. Be straight with your customer from the start. This is in your own best interest as well as the customer's because if you oversell at the beginning, both of you will be undersold in the end.
Don't get suckered into a giveaway. Don't be so eager to get a particular piece of business that you forget what you're in business for: to satisfy your customers and yourself. One without the other won't do.
Hear the customer out. Don't assume you know what she is thinking about and what you're trying to do for her company. Let your customer talk. That's the only way you can be sure of getting the information you need to facilitate her natural thought process and manage the sale toward a Win-Win situation.
Be willing to walk. Be willing to let a piece of business go if it's clear you can only get it if somebody loses.
Four Ways to Assess Your Win-Win Position
Pick two or three of your upcoming sales calls and assess your current position by asking yourself four questions:
Am I firmly committed to finding a fit between my product or service and what this customer actually needs? In other words, do I want her to win?
Does this person fully understand that I want her to win? What evidence do I have that she believes this?
Is this person clearly committed to having me win as well or is she aiming for a good deal at my expense?
Have I made it clear to the customer that she must share the responsibility for making the sale come out Win-Win?
Ask these questions as a reality check to understand your current position with each of your customers or prospects. If it helps, write down brief notes about each customer. Anything that makes your position more defined to you works to your long-term advantage in maintaining a Win-Win relationship.
You can always call us at 877-678-3380 and we'll be happy to chat with you about negotiating for a Win-Win. If outside North America, please call +44 (0)1908 211212.
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