Monday, March 06, 2006

by Greg Stielstra

FROM THE BOOK JACKET:"The Passion of the Christ" grossed more than $551 millionin its first nine weeks despite an R rating, Englishsubtitles, the lack of a major distributor, and acomparatively modest marketing budget.

"The Purpose-Driven Life," a book by a Southern Baptistminister known primarily in religious circles, has sold more than 22 million copies and is the best-selling hardcover book in American history!

How did they happen?

The best way to understand the marketing process, from the way products are adopted to how promotional messages are sent, received, and spread, is to think of it as fire.

Imagine you're lost in the freezing wilderness. This represents the marketplace and forces you to acknowledgethe seriousness of your challenge. You must start a fire to survive. This means selling yourproduct or service. Nothing else matters. Not awareness or mind share. Cancer has awareness, but nobody wants it.
And you have one match. This represents the finite nature of your marketing resources, be they time, money, or people. You get one shot. So make it count.

Rather than trying to break through the media cacophony with bolder, louder, and more intrusive tactics,"PyroMarketing" allows you to tap the passion, integrity, and loyalty of the customer to drive exponential salesg rowth, build passionate brand identification, and foster lifelong customer relationships.


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