Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Top 7 Ways Leaders Hold Firm to Decisions Made

Leaders regularly receive input, opinions, advice, and suggestions from those around them. This is all well and good when the opinions match the final decision made. There are times however, when the final decision a leader makes conflicts with the input of someone or possibly many on the team. It is as those times when leaders must understand how to hold firm to the decisions they have made while maintaining the respect and trust of others. Here are seven tips to consider when you find yourself in this position:

1. Provide acknowledgement. Take the time to acknowledge that you heard someone's opinion or suggestion. Thank them for sharing with you and invite them to continue doing so in the future.

2. Explain "why". The more people can understand your thought process and the reasoning behind your decision the higher probability you have for them to be more accepting even when they did not initially agree.

3. Empathize. You can show empathy with the situation if the decisions made do not agree with everyone. It does not mean you have to back down.

4. Use honey. Bees are never won over with vinegar. Pay attention to your tone, tempo, volume, gestures, and the actual words you use when delivering a message you know is going to make someone less than happy.

5. Do not set false hopes. When a decision is firm, do not suggest anything of the contrary. Trust is lost when the person comes to realize it was a false hope.

6. It is not up for debate. If you are being challenged it is because you are allowing yourself to be challenged. If a final decision has been made, kindly let the person know that you will not be entering into a debate.

7. Give permission to agree to disagree. People sometimes think that if they do not agree with the leaders decision there will be a problem. They may be more likely to live with a decision they do not agree with if they are given the freedom to agree to disagree.


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