Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Streetsmart Business Strategies from a SalesDog
October 10, 2007

These are strategies to live and succeed by...

http://www.salesdogs.com/e/asltraining.html <--


Streetsmart Business Strategies from a SalesDog

1. Build a database of only the hottest prospects and customers already excited to buy from you! (Anyone can get prospects, what you want are people who want to buy!)

2. Increase the amount of money each customer spends with you on every transaction.

3. Bring your past customers back to purchase form you again and again. (It's easier to sell to a past customer than it is to find a new one, and it's far mor profitable!)

4. Learn what to say in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone to get them to buy from you. (The best sales pros do this all day long to create lists of loyal customers! You'll learn the technique, too.)

5. Successfully create a thriving and winning team that grows your business for you! (Move from the S Quadrant to the B quadrant and enjoy the real fruits of business ownership!)

6. Win the battle with your own Little Voice to successfully break down the mental roadblocks that keep you from achieveing more at the next level.

7. Tap unrealized profits and partnerships from joint ventures and cooperative business. (There's real power when you leverage the resources of other businesses.)

8. Improve your sales conversions so more prospects say Yes to purchasing from you. (Sales calls mean nothing unless you can actually close business and turn them into loyal customers!)

9. Become the recognized expert in your niche so people seek you out ready to do business! (Don't be a ordinary business, stand out as the obvious choice for business so that your name is the only one at the top of a prospect's mind!)

10. Turn your customers into raving fans! (Your customers are your biggests ource of future business. Get them talking about you, and selling you to others!)


11. Grow your ability to prosper by continually educating yourself on only the best, most profitable techniques to succeed.

I will personally help you learn to perfect these strategies. Click the link below and register NOW...

http://www.salesdogs.com/e/asltraining.html <--

Be Awesome

Blair Singer

P.S. Look closely at the most successful businesses and you'll see they've embodied these strategies in their daily practice. Let me show you how...

http://www.salesdogs.com/e/asltraining.html <--


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