Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Real Power Model consists of six stages of power. The stages are cumulative, with each building upon the other. According to this model you re-experience the stages at various times in your life. Each time you revisit a stage you experience it in a deeper way. Think of your life as an ever widening spiral.

According to this model, as you develop you move from stages of external power to stages of internal power.

Stage 1, Powerlessness
Stage 2, Power by Association
Stage 3, Power by Achievement

Stage 4, Power by Reflection
The Wall
Stage 5, Power by Purpose
Stage 6, Power by Wisdom

Personal power in organizations increases when leaders have both external and internal power and when people begin leading from their souls rather than positions of authority.
If you would like to purchase a self scoring profile that measures your stages of personal power

The first half (Stages 1-3) of the leadership journey

External power (the capacity to act) is represented by confidence, competence, expertise, titles, success, degrees, stature, money, self-esteem and recognition.
Marshaling resources
Meeting goals
Managing people
Making things happen
Achieving cultural success
Making a living

The second half (stages 4-6) of the leadership journey
In the second half of the journey we integrate external power (the capacity to act) with internal power (the capacity to reflect). Internal power emerges out of our inner self, our souls, our deepest values, and is more related to who we really are and what our life purposes are.

Finding meaning and a sense of calling in our work
Exploring our inner passion
Creating long-lasting effects
Rooted in spirituality, community and connectedness
Making a living work
Learn about soulful leaders
Who are no longer limited by their own minds and imaginations
Who have the courage to significantly change the world for the better
Who face their shadows, the parts of themselves that are hidden and that they project onto other people

Learn about the requirements of soulful leadership
Requires courage
Asks that you let go
Asks that you face your deepest fears
Asks that you relinquish your ego

Where you are personally and to appreciate where others(customers, colleagues, supervisors and employees) are who may be at a stage different from yours
Stage 1, Powerlessness
Stage 2, Power by Association
Stage 3, Power by Achievement
Stage 4, Power by Reflection
The Wall
Stage 5, Power by Purpose
Stage 6, Power by Wisdom


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