Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Whoever Inc.

Once upon a time, four brothers got jobs at Whoever Incorporated. Their names were Somebody, Everybody, Nobody, and Anybody.

Whenever details came along that weren't in Somebody's job description, he assumed it was Everybody's job. "Besides," Somebody thought, "Anybody could do it."

Everybody was sure Somebody would do it because Anybody could do it, but Nobody did it.

Everybody got angry because Somebody should have done it, and Somebody blamed Everybody because it was Everybody's job.

Thus, Everybody blamed Somebody, and Somebody blamed Everybody, but Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first place.

Workplaces and homes have tasks that nobody likes to do.
One key to harmony and efficiency lies in the willingness of somebody to take responsibility, even when it seems easier to leave it for somebody else.


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