Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Hi Agung,
Negative Thinking is really a waste of time and energy...
I know everybody has negative thoughts but there's a huge difference
between someone who has negative thoughts and a chronic negative thinker.
Negative Thinkers don't get much done... they may want to accomplish a
lot but the negative thinking patterns stop in their tracks.
But this can be changed.
If you feel you're a negative thinker you're not doomed to failure and misery.
Instead, you can turn things around and become a positive thinker... the kind
that succeed and enjoy life.
Today I'll show you how to eliminate the negative thoughts, get rid
of negative thinking and develop a positive mindset so that you attract and
enjoy success in every area of your life.
The best part is once you do this... it becomes permanent so that you
always do the right things, walk tall, have a smile and get things done
quickly and easily.
So read on and enjoy!
Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Negative thoughts really have no purpose. They don't make you feel good
and instead can often lead to anger, frustration, procrastination and will
destroy relationships and make you miserable.
Meaningless thoughts, the kind where you worry for no reason, serve
no purpose because they don't help you accomplish your goals and
they just take up space and energy.
A mind filled with optimism and positive thinking is a mind that's geared to
success and will guarantee that you enjoy life on your terms.
So let's change those negative thoughts. Let's get rid of them and
develop a positive and optimistic mindset.
We need to have thoughts that help you achieve your goals, make you feel
better, help you find solutions and allow you to enjoy the success you deserve.
The first step is to change those negative thoughts as soon as you notice them.
For example: instead of worrying about what might go wrong think
about what might go right. Think about how things could work out
for you. Think about how you can improve your life, or try to find
This type of thinking directs your mind and subconscious mind to
regularly focus on the positive things that are going on in your
life. And you also direct your subconscious mind to create more
positive situations and more positive outcomes. When you do this regularly
you develop a positive thinking pattern that becomes permanent - it's your
new way of thinking and seeing the world (not to mention you'll enjoy life a lot more).
If you constantly focus on what could go wrong - you'll always
create and attract situations that don't work out.
If you regularly focus on how things can improve, and when you
constantly focus on positive things - you will attract situations
and events that work out for you and you will attract more positive
events and people.
Your subconscious mind will always create situations and events
that you regularly think about. So start replacing those negative
and useless thoughts with positive and constructive thoughts.
Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to create the life
that you want - and you'll begin achieving your goals sooner than
you realize. Get started today. Visit:
How do you change your thoughts?
At any point during the day when ever you have a free moment -
catch yourself thinking. If you find you're having a negative thought,
if you're looking at the worst in a situation, if you're focused on what
could go wrong - then you need to change that pattern of thinking right away.
Replace those thoughts with positive thoughts.
Pay attention to your thoughts.
Observe them - and analyze them.
Ask yourself: "Does this thought or belief work for me? Does it
help me? Does it make me feel better?" If the answer is no - then
you have to change it. And you can change the thought by simply
thinking of the opposite or creating a new thought that helps you
create what you want.
For example: If you're constantly thinking about why you're not
good enough or why you can't achieve something - change those
thoughts. Think about why you are good enough and why you can
achieve something. At first you may have to push yourself to come
up with reasons - but the more you do this exercise the easier it gets.
And as you apply it regularly you'll find answers and solutions easily.
As you regularly think about why you can do something you'll start
to believe that you can achieve that goal. The minute you begin to
believe that you can do something your subconscious mind goes out
and creates the situations to help you achieve that goal.
It's that simple and extremely powerful.
Eliminating the negative thoughts has a powerful impact and will allow you
to spring out of bed, walk around with a hop in your step and a smile on your
face because you'll just be enjoying life.
Try it for a full week and see how you feel...
Your thoughts and beliefs are the fuels that drive your subconscious.
Feed your subconscious negative thoughts and negative beliefs and
you'll stall your engine.
That means you won't be able to achieve your goals.
Feed your subconscious positive thoughts and positive beliefs - and
you turbo charge yourself to success.
Start changing your thoughts today.
Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to help you live
the life you want and achieve your goals. Visit:
Eliminate any negative attitudes
If you have a negative or bad attitude, if you try to be difficult
or demanding - it's time to change those attitudes.
Because they don't work for you.
Sure you may think that being demanding works for you - but it
really doesn't.
Why not?
Because when you're demanding you're insisting on something
specific happening.
When you do this you close yourself off to other possibilities -
you actually limit yourself. By limiting yourself you limit your
chance for success.
Be open to any and all possibilities. A closed mind closes the door
to opportunity.
A negative attitude certainly doesn't work for you - so why keep it.
Start creating a positive attitude by simply changing your thoughts
and change the way you see things. A negative or a bad attitude is
usually the result of seeing things in
a negative or not so positive way.
Look at all the possibilities, and focus on the positive aspects.
When you do this regularly you'll develop a positive attitude - an
attitude that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.
Your subconscious mind responds to your thoughts and beliefs. Your
attitude is an extension of those thoughts and beliefs.
Begin feeding your mind and subconscious mind positive messages and
you begin creating a positive lifestyle. Get started today. Visit:
You can eliminate the negative thoughts.
You can get rid of the junk in your head.
You can begin to improve your life and achieve your goals.
Start eliminating those negative thoughts today.
Start changing your attitude and begin creating the life you want today.
Make this your time to shine. Visit:
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work with your course as well - I think it's okay if we share. If not let me know.
Thanks Karim. I know I'll be achieving my goals in no time."
-Sara cohen, New Jersey, USA
Here's to your success.
Start creating the life you want. Visit:
Karim Hajee
Creating Power
PS: Remember if you don't do anything - if you don't change the way
your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the
life you want - everything stays the same - nothing changes. This
is your life - make the most of it - begin working with the power
of your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want. Visit:
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