Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Common Pitfalls Spoil Leadership Programs

Princeton, N.J. — July 19
Corporate leadership development programs often fail to achieve their objectives because of all-too familiar pitfalls, according to global consultants and trainers BlessingWhite.

“Senior executives go off-site for a team-building program with noble intentions and an ambitious agenda, but weeks afterward, they find so little benefit for their time and effort,” said BlessingWhite Vice President of Consulting Stephen Parker. “Regrettably, this is not unusual for executive development retreats. What surprises us is that many organizations continue to make the same mistakes.”

BlessingWhite identified five common pitfalls:
Urgency overrides preparation. Seeing a pressing need to address key issues, the CEO wants his team to meet as soon as possible, but such urgency may prevent effective preparation. The event becomes so time-driven that top management insists on squeezing it into the schedule, and there is not time enough to involve stakeholders beforehand.
Trendiness triumphs over consequence. Rather than concentrate on real business and strategic matters the program might become occupied with a discussion of the latest management best-seller. Participants might find the discussion diverting, but the substantive contribution will likely be marginal and the application zero.
Participants fail to engage emotionally. Team members might not disagree with the thrust of the program but just as often leave the meeting with no reason to change — although everyone might nod in agreement, they might not necessarily come away caring enough to overcome the discomfort of trying something new.
The CEO cannot contain himself. A leadership off-site seldom begins without the CEO calling upon everyone to “speak up.” But almost inevitably, the CEO mistakes vehemence for leadership and can scarcely keep his forceful personality in check. So, as expected, participants are intimidated, and candor is forfeited.
Awkward issues are not confronted. Not surprisingly, team members are often not inclined to look at their own behaviors and personal flaws or to consider how they might affect performance. Effective leadership calls for self-awareness, as well as willingness to change.

Parker said even the best development programs will fail to have an impact if the organization’s culture is not receptive to change.

“Too often executives want leadership development to be the magic pill, except that if a company’s culture punishes risk taking — or worse, rewards the same behaviors that need changing — then training and development are beside the point.”

Parker also said HR professionals have a tendency to look for the “new” methodology or insight, neglecting classic, proven techniques for maximizing team performance and driving behavioral change.

“With HR in charge, the new and sexy can drive out the good, when all the CEO wants is something that works,” he said.

BlessingWhite is a global consulting firm dedicated to creating sustainable high-performance organizations.


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