Friday, March 16, 2007

Achievement Ezine

Issue 300 - February 28, 2007

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou

Today's issue includes:

1. Your Achievement Article - The Importance of Being a 'Student' of the Industry by Todd Falcone
2. Your Achievement Quotes - Reflection, Relationships and Reputation
3. Your Achievement Tips - When Your Dream is Big Enough… You’re Rich! by Jerry "DRhino" Clark
4. Special Offer!
5. More Information
1. Your Achievement Article
The Importance of Being a 'Student' of the Industry by Todd Falcone

I really appreciate you taking the time to read my article. It shows that you are eager to engulf information to better yourself... both in life and in your Network Marketing career. The information I hope to provide is going to cover the psychology of SUCCESS. Victories rather than defeats, wins rather than losses, abundance rather than lack.

Here's my simple definition of success:

"Success is the voluntary act of seeing something that you desire through to completion."

Finish the race... and you win! But, you must first get to the starting line.

One of my mentors taught me that if I wanted to be successful, I had to study success. In other words, "find someone who has what you want and do what they do". Wow! You mean success is that easy?? Not exactly, but it is certainly a great place to start!

Doesn't that make perfect sense? Think about it. If you want to be good at something, no matter what it is, doesn't it make sense to simply follow other people who are already successful doing whatever it is that you want to get good at? Remember the old phrase, "You become like those you hang around"? How true it is!

Hang around broke, unmotivated boring, unhappy people, and guess what? You become a broke, unmotivated, unhappy person. Doesn't sound appealing, does it?

On the other hand, spend your time with excited, motivated, happy, successful, inspired people who live life with passion and conviction in everything they do... and guess what? You get the picture! That's right... it rubs off on you.

Which would YOU rather have?

Every person that I know who has achieved extremely high levels of success, whether in relationships, business, or life in general, STUDIES THE SUCCESS OF OTHERS.

Over the years, many people have asked me about my favorite book, tape, or specific mentor that has led me to success. Unfortunately, I don't have one. I have many. That is what being a student is about.

Since so many people have asked me, I finally took the time to take a roster of my library.

Here is a sampling of some of the books and tapes I have read, listened to and continue to review:

*Top 50 Favorite Readings

Developing the Leader Within You By John C. Maxwell
The Game of Life and How to Play It By Florence Scovel Shinn
Quantum Leap Thinking By James Mapes
Unstoppable By Cynthia Kersey
How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie
The Magic of Thinking Big By David J. Schwartz
Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill Enthusiasm
Makes the Difference By Norman Vincent Peale
The Trick to Money is Having Some By Stuart Wilde
The Little Money Bible By Stuart Wilde
The Psychology of Winning By Denis Waitley
The Greatest Networker in the World By John Milton Fogg
The Power of Positive Thinking By Norman Vincent Peale
The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement By Laurie Beth Jones
Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins
Awaken the Giant Within By Anthony Robbins
Live Rich By Barry King
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity By Catherine Ponder
The Secrets of Savvy Networking By T. Stanley & W. Danko
Creating Affluence By Deepak Chopra
It's Not Over Until I Win By Les Brown
What to Say When you Talk to Yourself By Shad Helmstetter
You'll See it When you Believe It By Wayne Dyer
Reinventing Yourself By Steve Chandler
How to Master the Art of Selling By Tom Hopkins
The Greatest Salesman in the World By Og Mandino
The Greatest Secret in the World By Og Mandino
The Greatest Miracle in the World By Og Mandino
Rhinoceros Success By Scott Alexander
Your First Year in Network Marketing By Mark Yarnell
Your Best Year in Network Marketing By Mark Yarnell
Self Wealth By Yarnell, Bates & Radford
Network Marketing for Dummies By Zig Ziglar
Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki
Cash Flow Quadrant By Robert Kiyosaki
Who Moved My Cheese? By Spencer Johnson
On Negotiating By Mark McCormack
Guerilla Selling By Jay Conrad Levinson
Chicken Soup for the Soul By Mark Victor Hanson & Jack Canfield
The Richest Man in Babylon By George S. Clason
Wave 3: The New Era in Network Marketing By Richard Poe
The Wave 3 to Building your Downline By Richard Poe
Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century By Richard Poe
Inside Network Marketing By Len Clements
The Millionaire Mind By Thomas Stanley
The Millionaire Next Door By Thomas Stanley
As a Man Thinketh By James Allen
The Ultimate Marketing Plan By Dan Kennedy
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing By Al Ries & Jack Trout

Although this is not my complete library... these are some of my favorites which have helped lead me to where I am today in my life and in my Network Marketing career.

-- Todd Falcone

Todd Falcone is a highly-recognized trainer, personal coach and mentor to thousands of top-performing home business owners. His stories, teachings and articles have been featured in several magazines including Six-Figure Income, HBC (Home Business Connection), Zig Ziglar's book Network Marketing for Dummies, Conversations on Success, Networking Times, and dozens of other online publications. is pleased to offer 2 of his very powerful training programs at a very special price. To learn more go to or call 877-929-0439.

"One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions." Admiral Grace Hopper
From Our Sponsor:

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2. Your Achievement Quotes

"Imagine if your business burned down and you had to walk across the street and start again, what would you do differently?" -- Brian Tracy

"Look at your past. Your past has determined where you are at this moment. What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still?" -- Tom Hopkins

"Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness." -- Leland Val Vandewall

"Evaluation of the past is the first step toward vision for the future." -- Chris Widener

"Treat your friends as you do you pictures, and place them in their best light." -- Jennie Jerome Churchill

"Find a positive lesson and positive reason for all of your personal relationships. Accentuate the blessings and knowledge gained from each." -- Denis Waitley

"Your relationships can be made to increase in value by investing more time in them." -- Brian Tracy

"Do not save your loving speeches for you friends till they are dead; do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead." -- Anna Cummins

"It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help." -- Judith Martin

"Nice guys finish best!" -- Denis Waitley

"When people ask each other for a referral, or a business reference -- it's given based on their past personal experience -- or what they ‘heard’ from others. What’s the word out on you?" -- Jeffrey Gitomer

"Be beautiful if you can, wise if you want to... But be respected -- that is essential." -- Anna Gould

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world." George Bernard Shaw

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"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common." John Locke
3. Your Achievement Tips -
When Your Dream is Big Enough…You’re Rich! By Jerry "DRhino" Clark

What will keep you charging in your Network Marketing business when you have a bad day? Think about it. People in traditional businesses have two primary advantages over us Networkers:

#1) They have a lot of money invested; therefore, when they have a bad day, they are not likely to throw in the towel and quit. Sure they may think about it, but they will also think about the mortgage they have on their home, and the money they borrowed from friends and family members. This usually will keep them in their business even when someone returns the only product that they sold for the day or when they have to use their Visa to pay off MasterCard.

#2) They don’t have a job. That’s right, people who own their own traditional business usually don’t have a job to fall back on. They usually don’t say, “Well, I’m sick and tired of this stuff. I’m glad I got a job that is paying me $1,000 per week to fall back on.” Instead, they are out on a limb in an effort to make it happen. By the way, I once heard that on the limb is where the fruit is.

So what about you? You probably invested less than what it would cost for a nice pair of shoes to get started in your Network Marketing company. And you probably still have a job, right? And if you don't have a job, most of your distributors do, right? So what leverage can you have to help keep you charging full steam ahead when it seems like everything is going wrong?

Your Dream! That’s right, if your dream is big enough then the fear, rejection, embarrassment, and lack of Network Marketing know-how will not stop you. Instead, you will be empowered to keep charging ahead in the jungle so you can make it to the land of paradise. So find out what your Dream is and keep it in front of you when the going gets tough. You can use this technique to help keep your distributors going too. When you’re sitting on the beaches of the world… You’ll be glad you did.

Until next time

Go, Go, Go

Jerry Clark became a self-made millionaire while still in his 20’s. Today he conducts personal and professional development seminars in over 35 countries worldwide. To find out more about Jerry and his Best Selling programs including The Magic of Influence, Insider Secrets Vol. 1 and 2, Creating Magic, High Achievement Network Marketing and The Magic of Colors go to or call 877-929-0439.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one. Albert Einstein
4. Special Offer!

Todd Falcone brings well over a decade of in-the-field Direct Sales and Network Marketing experience to the table and candidly shares his insights, thoughts and strategies for those looking for peak performance in their Network Marketing and Direct Sales careers. is pleased to offer 2 of his very powerful training programs at a very special price. To learn more go to or call 877-929-0439.

"We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are." Anais Nin

5. More Information

For a Printer Friendly Version, please click here - Your Achievement Ezine - Issue 300

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"The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is." Kahlil Gibran
Make it a Great Week!



At 2:21 PM, Blogger The Student said...

Success is not only a mindset, it is also taking action.

-Bernard (


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