Thursday, July 20, 2006

10 Ways to Develop and Align High Performance Sales Organizations

1. Define your company’s value proposition.
What is the range of products and services you want to invest selling resources on in order to bring value to your customer? What do you want your sales professionals to focus on selling?

2. Segment your market.
Which customers have the highest potential to invest in your products and services? Who needs most of what you are selling? Who values your participation throughout their buying decision process? Should customers be placed in channels relating to their relative potential value?

3. Identify your customer’s buying process.
How do the customers in the various segments make buying decisions, and where in the process do they value your sales professional’s participation? Are the selling skills and processes different for different segments?

4. Define your selling process.
Where do you enter your customer’s buying process? How do prospects qualify for the most valuable opportunities within time and quota imposed limitations?

5. Establish sales targets.
What is the expected return on an investment of sales resources? What is the minimum revenue expectation for proactive selling efforts within an account?

6. Create territory plans and pipelines.
How much revenue comes from existing agreements with customers? How much new business can be developed within existing customers? How much prospecting for new customers needs to occur to fill the pipeline? How are pipelines communicated and monitored?

7. Implement an account planning process.
What is your customer relationship process? How do you acquire, develop, and insulate account relationships? How do you share account information on those customers that require teams or multiple resources in order to create and maintain profitable relationships? How do you plan for
opportunities within an account? Which accounts merit a written plan?

8. Equip sales managers to lead the planning and developmental efforts.
What is your coaching process? How are managers equipped to manage and develop the performance of their teams? What skills and tools are available to develop individual sales professionals? How are plans and opportunities tracked? What mechanism is in place to track
wins and losses? How is customer and sales professional feedback communicated and managed?

9. Equip sales professionals with the skills and tools to execute the account and territory plans.
What skills and tools are necessary to build and maintain long term, profitable relationships? What is the sales professional’s career path? How do you ensure ongoing growth and development?

10. Align hiring, compensation, incentive and support systems to encourage appropriate behaviors.
Do different channels require different approaches to hiring and compensation? What productivity enhancements should be developed to unlock the sales professional’s maximum

By Achieveglobal


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